Sunday 5 February 2012

Evaluation for Image making

Firstly, I really enjoyed graphics project. My favourite part was of course the test pieces, for the final 4 images, looking at different artists, different techniques etc. I wasn't really clear what we had to do at the start because there was 2 projects that somehow were meant to join to one, so that really confused me however once I started doing it, once teacher helped me a little I started to get into it and actually enjoyed it. I do like fashion illustrations that could be another reason I liked doing these units.

I collected the information I needed for this project from internet, drawings, photos. I did research on a few different artists which I think was very interesting just finding out how artists work in different techniques. I was satisfied with my designs as well as my final piece because I thought its something I’m good at. I like working with colour. Some techniques were new to me such as working with ink. I did work with ink before but it was not that much and was never fashion related. I did of course struggle at some points like choosing different techniques for the test pieces, writing in really technical terms, annotating the images and the designs that I did, but I tried my hardest and I think it worked pretty well.

I did have some difficulties organising my book as at first I got a soft back A3 book but I realised working for me in A4 book is a lot better and tidier. But that was a struggle as I had few days to print everything out, catch up with the stuff I didn't do if I didn't have time or I wasn't in, organising the book in order of what we done and actually finishing the final piece. But as I said before I’m satisfied with my final outcome.

My final piece consisted of 4 illustrations which I done in colour pencils only as I thought working with colour pencils would show off my skills the best as I enjoy doing it.

If I had more time I would have done a lot more research on different artists, as well as making some transcripts of the artists that we looked at during this project. The book would be a lot more full if I had some more time to work on it.

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